Saturday, December 4, 2010

What Would Jesus Wear Blog


We are shocked to read a press release, made randomly in the vicinity of the forthcoming municipal elections in Vasto, by some local politicians. It 's a bad costume be propaganda by exploiting the security of citizens. We remind these gentlemen that day, men and women of law enforcement in this town, though few in number, operating investigative activities with dedication and professionalism. The army's presence in the streets is always the result of a very serious situation exceptional, however their presence in the streets is not a sign of strength of the state but in case of weakness because it means, of fact that the institutions do not work. this is certainly not the situation in Vasto. We also remind everyone that the local CO.ISP years are denouncing the lack of personnel in the police structure, but all so far have been silent. I conclude with a call for responsibility from all, because it is spreading alarm to solve problems.
Regional Secretary General Alessandro

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Kates Playgroundraven Riley

Mario Ciancio & Raffaele Lombardo &

December 1, 2010


"Competition with the Mafia" is the name of the file from the Attorney intestatazione
Catania entrepreneur Mario Ciancio. For decades the center of investigations of the few journalists free of the city, the publisher of Catania - long-time president of the Italian publishers - had become one of the most powerful men not only of Sicily but all undergrowth Italian political and business community. At his feet intellectuals and politicians, mobsters and principles of the forum: twenty years of subservience, silence and connivance

After more than twenty years, the prosecutor in Catania finally realize that there is a Mario Ciancio. The investigating, it seems, for one of the many shopping centers, talking about competition for Mafia association, but some also seem oriented (unless you change your mind) to investigate the horrific episode of the editorial Vincenzo Santapaola, published in Sicily in the form of a letter to the newspaper.

Twenty years of articles on the Sicilians, the new Sicilian on Events on the Island as possible on Ucuntu and then a few months on other newspapers are then finally served to you? Will we see in the next twenty years, not just the first investigation, but also a bit 'of justice?

Perhaps the political climate of prejudice-who-you-can and in general disrepair, could help to overcome many longstanding shyness. Perhaps - because nothing is impossible - a genuine will for justice even in the palaces s'intrufola traditionally distant from it, such as - Catania - that of Justice. Who knows. In any case, Do not look a gift horse in the mouth.

Describe all companies - and no business sense - by Ciancio, on the meetings and relations with various mafiosi, its political plots, supports its interests from time to time to all political Catania - He went from a Dragon, from White to Scapagnini - would take too long for these pages, the rest we have written many pages in which those who wish may rileggersele in peace.

For now, we just want to underline the extreme servility with which the intellectual and political class of this city has lent to him by the court and defend it at every opportunity, from the elegant "fascist" Buttafuoco the ferocious "companion" Barcelona. A shame that it will be difficult to erase.

Riccardo Orioles

* * * "The terminal is the guarantor of a system of power"

For twenty years we have indicated, the facts in hand, Mario Ciancio as the terminal and the guarantor of a system of power.

For twenty years we have denounced the lies of his newspapers, the proximity to the Mafia, the omission of the truth everyday.

We are heartened to learn that there is a court in Catania.

Claudio Fava