Start a new school year: a message for all
The message of good years of the new Headmaster
Dear children, dear parents, dear colleagues and staff throughout the school ,
a few days after my settlement in this school are proud to share with you some reflections also trying to know me better. I was a teacher for many years myself, and for this reason that I watch, with particular attention to schools that plays an important role in society. It is my sincere desire to establish a frank, sincere and constructive dialogue with all of you who are the school's "life." Well aware of the role of education in social context, I wish you with all the challenges that come from outside and to best reach the targeted, making it clear that the role of Head Teacher in accordance with canonical norms that are proper, is a figure of glue ... always at the service of tutti.L 'education has an essentially interpersonal and must be made as full and successful experience of life that concerns the whole person and highlights its valore.L' educational work meets today, serious difficulties to achieve its goals: problems involving family, school and area. In a complex society and pluralistic educational institutions become a busy crossroads, where they meet and clash of different perspectives and concepts, which are struggling to take on child-raising profile for all convincing and where the assets are not valued properly from tradizione.In this context the commitment that the school is called to make for a successful "return to education", is a unique contribution and fondamentale.L 'education can not be reduced to a set of procedures and techniques, but must qualify First, as the transmission of witnesses and argument of values, within the framework of a humanistic educational process. The boys call for educators who are not only authoritative but testimoni.La school teachers in carrying out its function is always called to seek unitary explanatory hypothesis, avoiding the fragmentation of knowledge. The school is fully realized its role in education when it offers students a pathway leading to the formation of the ability to choose, are crucial to the educational responsibility. The training school can not be reduced to instrumental fruizioneindividualistica and service with a view to obtaining a qualification but must lead to a strong experience of sharing between teachers and their pupils on the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof man. The school asks to be loved by everyone: students, parents, teachers, administrators servizi.La persons engaged in various educational challenge has its own special importance to education in law, respect for others, to enable a good comune.Per significant experience as an educational community must "work together '. It started a new school year and our hope is to continue with you on the road has already been done in previous years. Many things have been done, many have to be done by sharing rules unanimously adopted at the optimization of the training, the strengthening of resources to improve communication between the institution the user (including through the use of the blog). Our goals are to improve the level of pupils' learning, the integration of those in difficulty, for the recovery of which we have, with success, undertook to obtain an adequate number of specialists who accompany the group in daily work and teacher support to the class, the whole class, not individuals. This year, knowing that the quality is a strong and ambitious challenge, we want to start with full commitment. But that commitment, we also expect you to Voi.Ci parents convinced a collaboration for the full respect of the rules on working time, behavior and respect for our work: the provisions require that the institution has provided for growth of the students and the company urges that, in us and you, trusts for the education of a new generation of informed and responsible citizens. To ensure the achievement of these objectives, we therefore need your help. How? Here are some examples: - avoid the delays in both revenue (8.25) and outgoing (16.20/16.30) - avoid the early exits, - read carefully all warnings in order to be informed, - met hours receipt of the secretariat of the Presidency and the talks concluded with docenti.Nel welcome you and I like to refer back the appreciation of philosophy Luciano De Crescenzo, the which, in his writing reads: "... we men are angels with only one wing, and we can only fly embracing each other." I ask you then to consider themselves part of you is regarded as a help, a resource, a door always open, having regard to the daily trials and the increasing burdens that result, today, by the will and must play a leading role, as true authors, and a guide, and not mere spectators, in the "school world". Grateful to the former officers for all that you shared and developed with you, I hope to maintain that atmosphere of harmony, openness, availability, listening, shared passion, its a beautiful and large family ... The family of 182 Lindlar. Happy new year to all school
The Headmaster
Prof. Maria Mangiola
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