State of Emergency the Cook Islands after a powerful cyclone and 'fell on part of the atolls. The disruption has saved Rarotonga, the main island, reducing rather strongly on Aitutaki, 200 km north of Rarotonga, where he destroyed 90 percent of the houses. The government of the Cook declared a state of emergency to Aitutaki and its 2,000 inhabitants, calling Pat one of the worst cyclone in 20 years. There would be dead, but, as told Radio New Zealand by some of the elderly, this would be the worst hurricane ever to Aitutaki. Thirty tourists were evacuated, but there are no injuries. The mayor of Aitutaki, Tai Herman, said the wind blew with an intensity 'of 100 nodes. The houses were tied up and secured with ropes, but it 's impossible to resist such a destructive force, said Herman, and that' even at the head of the Task Force anti cyclones, Radio New Zealand. According to the local center of Meteorology Pat is decreasing in intensity 'and is moving away from the Cook Islands. (SOURCE: Reuters)
local media reported that the cyclone "Pat" passed 9 / 10 February, it destroyed many houses on the atoll of Aitutaki, the "resort" would have suffered little damage. There were no reported victims will 'seriously injured. The atoll is still without power, but the airport and 're-opened. Communications have been reversed in part.
The Government of the Cook Islands has declared a state of calamity on the atoll, while the capital of Rarotonga, was declared a state of emergency.
are therefore to be avoided for the time being and until the situation is not normalized, unnecessary travel in popular areas mentioned above. (SOURCE
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