Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Chinese Crested Powder Puff


Mens sana in corpore sano

(from the Latin)

Education body and motor has been for us has always been a way to grow the whole person.
Since the beginning of the year we participated in sporting events.
Here we are at the party organized by City Hall called "sports champions." On that occasion we met
Panatta and locks, we played with tennis and volley.

and finally we came to the long-awaited ...

Week Sports
This is our last week theme: sports. In this period
each class group has engaged in the construction of billboards that are synthesized as studied on the human body and its functioning. This has served also to be socializing with the group work and to create moments of strong interaction.
In fact, the races, which have seen our school involved with other schools in the district, including medium and childhood, made it possible to conceive of the sport not as a purely sporting moment, but as a new way to collaborate and have fun.

Children have ventured in various sports such as basketball, vortex, tennis and obstacle courses, all in harmony, emphasizing the importance of teamwork and the strength of the group, rather than the individual, in reaching a common goal.


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