Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Lic Growth Money Plus Fund

The timing of the next year ... The Cultural Week


grow up one day and fly in the sky of life, but
a child who knows can not be blue always
Then one night I woke up in September,
the wind on the skin on my body
the starlight.
wonder where was my home, and that child

playing in a yard!
I, who am I tramp, tramp
more money in my pocket I do not
... ..
(The Nomads)

The cultural week is to be the final synthesis of many experiences throughout the year both within and outside the school.
They take value in this respect also educational tours.
social and educational value of educational tours has always been valued since, each year, school children are involved in many extracurricular activities.
The value of social and educational field school is highly recognized as every year, starting from the third class, is to perform this important and interesting growth experience.
A Quebec says the old proverb: Parents can give their children only two things: roots and wings. We would like to repeat this proverb always, on this occasion to say: teachers can offer children mainly two things: roots and wings.
The "roots" of social and cultural tradition.
The "wings" of the tools that may allow kids to know and express themselves.
to grow and learn to count and creatively manage a company that, by them and through them, will have a future.
This is how the "camps": they allow you to establish relationships with rooting the traditions, history, the legends, with the territory that welcomed them, inspired by the monuments that make up the track, with the people that live there ... with all those things that kids can deal with intercultural experiences that expand horizons and humanity.
And, even more, school camps, allowing students to experiment through play activities, their perception, vision and understanding of the world. Or to develop their own personal way of approaching life. The game at the field school and make learning enjoyable, he moved among the school walls so that learning is a source of intellectual, scientific, invincible ... the power of experience lived with the joy and the involvement of creativity, and discovery of shared rules.
is the game in order to know, experimentation, discovery, learning, research, provides every possibility and rule necessary to structure, children, respect for civil society.
Giving children the experience of training camp is about equipping the school and the habit of the roots and the creative design, to respect the rules of living together and heritage understood as "growth factors".
factors capable of stimulating the best possibilities in each child, to stimulate the best part of the personality of those who grow, to urge self-esteem and enhance the best that each human being is, and he can express.
A field school was conducted to ONANO (VT) in February with children in third class. In addition to the village of Onano visited: Lake Bolsena, Lake of the museum, the museum of minerals, the waterfalls of Saturnia. Here are some pictures:

Culture Week
Culture Week in the weeks theme be approached on a historical - artistic, making a series of visits museums, palaces, monuments, villas in Rome, taking advantage of special openings and free admission to the city's finest museums, educational tours and routes previously planned by teachers is a valid study of classroom work focuses on education civil coexistence.
During the week of culture will see all the work produced by pupils at the end of a series of projects
- the "project grandparents, held in several sessions, during which several grandparents talked about himself and their lives, looking at issues regarding the game, eating habits and traditions related to holidays and how they were held in their day. It was "time travel", which allowed the children to revisit the historical periods are no longer members of the program history, has aroused great interest and it was really appreciated: it represented a concrete witness to the horrors of war, resulted in the reflection of each student how important it is for humans to live in peace and to transmit the value of peace for future generations, lest anyone forget the mistakes;
- the project of the clown doctors "red nose" which covered all classes of the school;

- a meeting on the final "intercultural project" led by Ribka , a project last year involving many classes


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